From Moonlight Syndrome to No More Heroes 3, from Diabolical Pitch to Killer7, Grasshopper Manufacture, led by Suda51, has built some of the most memorable tracks ever created in the medium.
Thanks to Akira Yamaoka, Masafumi Takada, MEEBEE, and more, this mix aims to create a cohesive and colorful journey through the music of Suda51’s most essential works and the developers at Grasshopper. It was also made to accompany the release of the book L'œuvre de Suda51: Punk, suplex et jeu vidéo!, published by the French publisher Third Editions and written by yours truly.
Please enjoy. Don't forget that rules will never be more important than yourselves and that music is one of the greatest proofs of being alive.
Or, as Charlotte put it more nicely: "Game over my ass!"